Eventide Space Pedal

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Re: Eventide Space Pedal

Post by ummagumma » Fri Mar 03, 2023 3:52 am

Can't say: I've never tried the Strymon. I've heard they make great stuff too, though!

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Re: Eventide Space Pedal

Post by VCO » Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:36 am

I’m seriously considering the Strymon timeline since the eventide time factor costs more, it’s all expensive. This way I’ll have a dedicated tape echo in the Roland RE201 Space Echo . Echo , Delay, Reverb. In the eventide space I’ll have dedicated reverbs plus other effects. And with the Strymon Timeline a dedicated delay . They may overlap a little but they all have their own take on reverb ,delay and echo.. I would run the Eventide Space on the Oberhiem OBX8 and the Strymon Time line on the Moog Voyager and the Roland RE201 SPACE Echo on the Sequential Pro3. On Mono synths I like delay and reverb. On a polyphonic synth I try not to affect the sound to much sense it can sound like it has effects already without to much enhancement from a pedal. Right now I’m running the Eventide Space with the voyager.

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Re: Eventide Space Pedal

Post by markwilkins » Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:10 pm

VCO - I think you would like the Strymon Timeline for that purpose. I think I mentioned it earlier on this thread or another that I have been using the Timeline with the Model D, and it is pretty fantastic. And just this morning, I was able to start playing with the new Eventide H9. I haven’t been able to compare a lot with the existing Strymon pedals I have, but the one thing that immediately seems to stand out to me is that it is “different” than those pedals. And that fact is a really nice surprise. I kind of expected a lot of similarity, but that is not the case. I’m sure it is possible to find settings between all the pedals that “sound similar” but all of them seem to bring something new to the table and those new things are quite beautiful.

And to mention the obvious, the H9 is definitely not as great in terms of usability on the device itself because of the limited physical controls. The dedicated Eventide devices (e.g., Space) will be much better in that aspect. And the H90 as well (plus the fact that it can run 2 effects). But for my use case, I think the H9 is going to be perfect. It will likely live behind one synth most of the time and I will probably settle on 10-15 presets that I really like and be able to dial through those with the wheel easily. And the iPhone app makes the H9 super accessible. I absolutely do not like firing up the laptop when “jamming” on the hardware synths. But opening an app on my phone to flip through settings/presets/algorithms on the H9 is not too terrible.

There is someone on the Sequential forums asking very similar questions. Is seqpro3 your user on that forum VCO? If not, then you should go follow your twin on that forum and some of the discussion there will be useful to you.

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Re: Eventide Space Pedal

Post by VCO » Sun Mar 05, 2023 6:14 pm

Yes that’s me on the Sequential/Oberhiem forum. I like the interface on the Space. I almost decided to go with the H90 but decided against it since they were back ordered and would take three months before they shipped. They were also expensive. I’m sure thier great. I decided to go with the idea of having a dedicated unit on each of my three analog synths. That is cool the H90 runs two effects at once. I think that’s it’s very easy to overuse effects . That might occur
More often with the H90 since there’s so much that’s offered. I guess it depends on how a person chooses to use it. I like to keep effects simple. I think that timeline would work well in my application. How do you think the Timeline is different?

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Re: Eventide Space Pedal

Post by markwilkins » Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:14 pm

I haven’t used the H9 enough yet to identify “what” is different. It’s mostly just that I can hear that each of the settings (patches) I’ve played with sound unique in some way from the Strymon ones (whether reverb or delay etc.) I’m not very good at describing sounds and why I like one thing better than another.

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Re: Eventide Space Pedal

Post by VCO » Wed Mar 08, 2023 9:49 am

I would think they would have thier own sonic character being thier from different companies. I’ wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the two. I don’t have any pedals from strymon. I could probably tell between my Roland RE201
Space Echo and the Space since I’m familiar with things the space echo can do that the Space doesn’t. But then again maybe I would be wrong in a blind fold test. With the Space you can go from one preset to another and it has the readout of the preset name. The space echo doesn’t have a readout . It’s setup differently. The space echo has that pedal you depress and it simulates speeding up the tape heads and sort of takes off into outer space. That’s unique, where the space doesn’t offer that unless I’m not aware it having a similar feature. I don’t know the Space all that well yet.
I’m not that deep in understanding all the various things both pedals can do. I have a very basic understanding of each.
I haven’t really maximized thier potential. I use them sparingly since things can get muddy up real fast if you turn the knobs too quickly. I like how the space freezes the sound when you set the Decay to a long release just like on an analog synth. It makes the sound sustain infinitely.

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Re: Eventide Space Pedal

Post by markwilkins » Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:26 pm

I have been playing around enough with the Eventide H9 such that I can say that I quite like it. I really love the fact that it incorporates the functionality of several Eventide pedals. The actual physical interface is a bit more involved than I am interested in dealing with; a somewhat baffling set of button combinations. But the iOS app for it is pretty great. I went through the zillion available presets and tweaked and selected a batch that I really like from the different algorithms and saved those to the physical device. So now I have about 30 presets that appeal to me that I can dial through quickly.

I played around a bit and recorded an experimental "jam" with the Model D, prophet 6, novation peak, and Nord. I was curious to see how all of them played "together" would sound. A sonic mess as you would expect; but kind of fun too. The Model D output is going through the Eventide H9 with a Flanger patch and into the Strymon Timeline with a basic echo. The Prophet 6 is sent through the Strymon Mobius with a widening chorus effect and then through the BigSky with some big hall effect. The Novation peak is using its onboard effects and I used an onboard chorus and pingpong delay with the Nord rhodes sound. So it was just a huge swirling sound of wonderful synth gooeyness.

Oh - And I patched the keyboard after pressure on the Moog to the filter. I had not used that much and was curious to see how well it worked. It is a bit sensitive, but I really like how it functions. You can hear it opening up the filter in this "song".


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Re: Eventide Space Pedal

Post by VCO » Wed Oct 04, 2023 2:50 am

7 months later I now have the Eventide Timefactor and Eventide Space. The Eventide Pitchfactor looks interesting 🤔.
Eventide lowered prices for thier Factor Pedals but I believe thier pricing has gone back to what they were before.
They went from $500 to $349 back to $500.there are 3 factor pedals. Timefactor,Modfactor,Pitchfactor and the Space.
There’s a video on sonic state demonstrating the 4 pedals.

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Re: Eventide Space Pedal

Post by ummagumma » Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:13 am

Congrats, they're both great pedals!

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Re: Eventide Space Pedal

Post by VCO » Sun Oct 15, 2023 1:58 pm

They are and expensive. Know I need the Pitchfactor and Modfactor. LOL Thanks

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