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Amos: Midi duophony and CV tracking..

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:28 pm
by EricK
Do any of the Moog engineers know if We will be able to get the fabled Moog Duophony with my voyager?

Have you worked out how it might track a CV signal?


Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:56 pm
by EricK

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:16 pm
by superd2112
CV tracking on the Taurus should be easy - there are 4 planned CV inputs per the specs, and I think your Voyager has several as well, & MIDI could handle some of the duties too. As for duophony, you can have as many voices from your Voyager as you can imagine - just keep adding as many Voyager rack units as your mind & wallet can handle!

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:07 pm
by EricK
Well the thing is that the original Taurus was Hz/Octave. So Im just hoping to get an answer as to whether or not we will have to attenuate signals for accurate CV tracking or how thats going to work out.

Im thinking that with Midi that duophony should be possible with The Voyager or the Phatty controlling it. Im envisioning holding a bass note while laying a right hand melody down from the voyager.

Basically thats why I was hoping Amos would chime in because at this stage that question should be quite anserable.


Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:46 am
by EricK
From my email:
Amos wrote:Hi Erc,

I am pretty sure the new Taurus also uses Hz/V CV (which it should, since it is using the Taurus I oscillator design). So it won't track Voyager CV without a log or antilog amplifier in between them (I forget which you'd need, offhand). Your best bet for polyphony with a Voyager would be to use MIDI, which the new Taurus will also have.

Thanks for your reply Amos...if you happen to see this thread, lol.


superd2112 wrote:As for duophony, you can have as many voices from your Voyager as you can imagine - just keep adding as many Voyager rack units as your mind & wallet can handle!
16 max, one per each Midi Channel.