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Moog Little Phatty stage I debug, please help!

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 1:31 pm
by fred81
Hello everyone

since I have managed to delete all my previous post, I'd like to ask for help again.

Yesterday I bought Moog Little Phatty stage I, it worked fine when it arrived, but then I've turned the synth into a house decoration by updating its firmware. The process failed and I was left with the usual; blank screen, no sound.

I have done my research; I know I have to debug the synth with the Silicon Lab USB debugger which I have ordered and will have it tomorrow or Monday.
I have contacted a guy here in the UK who posted a video of the debug process and he sent me the hex files he was given by Moog tech when he was dealing with his LP.

Now; my question still are:
1/Will the Silicon Lab USB adapter work with my LP Stage I?
2/I have received files StageSystem_v2_2_588.hex and StageData_v2_2_587.hex from the guy with Stage II, will I be able to use them in the debug process or are they purely Stage II?
3/Does anyone have the original LP Stage I files?

I'm so disappointed by this. I was so looking forward to play this synth, I have only played for about 20 minutes.
I'd be very grateful for any help.


Re: Moog Little Phatty stage I debug, please help!

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:50 am
by Benbonitempi

I would also need this files. Could you kindly share it with me. (annalog(add)gmx dot de) Have a stage 2 which is not getting into firmware recieve mode and want to try it with a USB debugger now.
